n-line NIR sensor – DA 7300The DA 7300 In-line NIR Analyzer is an advanced, modern NIR analyzer for use in Grain, Flour, Food and Feed processing.It provides real-time information about the product as it is prod
Review the productThe world standard for gluten quantity and quality determinationWhen baking bread and producing noodles or pasta, the flour gluten content and strength will determine the quality of the finished product. The Glutomatic® Sy
Review the productDOUGHLABAACCI approved analysis of flour water absorption, dough development and mixing tolerance.The doughLAB determines water absorption of flour, dough development time and other dough mixing
Review the productLab Mill 120Based on the choices you have made in the model selection guide, the LM 120 is the most appropriate model for your application. Please read more about LM 120 in the page “Models and Accessories”.
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Convenient and rapid sample preparationThe type of sample preparation depends on the requirements in the analysis to be made. For this reason it is important to select the correct preparation for the analysis in question.
Review the productLab Mill 3310Based on the choices you have made in the model selection guide, the LM 3310 is the most appropriate model for your application. Please read more about LM 3310 in the page “Models and Accessories”.<
Review the productTesting equipment for bakery productsPertene analyzers can provide financial savings by measuring the main properties of ingredients, mixtures, dough and baked goods.Flour & Dough Test – tes
Review the productThe LactoScope™ C3+/C4+ is the perfect solution for all dairy processors that require highly cost-effective dairy component analysis without the expense of unneeded capabilities. The instrument incorporates mid-infrared (MIR) technology, an is
Review the productConvenient and rapid sample preparationThe type of sample preparation depends on the requirements in the analysis to be made. For this reason it is important to select the correct preparation for the analysis in question.
Review the productThe micro-doughLAB is a small scale (4g) dough mixer and analysis system to determine the quality and processing characteristics of flour and dough.The small sample size is ideal for researchers, wheat breeders, grain hand
Review the productRVA Viscometer ModelsPerten Instruments offers a range of Rapid Visco Analyser models and accessories to suit your needs.The RVA 4800 offers an extended temperature range up to 140°C.
Texture Analyzer – TVT 6700Evaluation of texture is often based on sensory evaluation and experience. The TVT 6700 texture analyzer is rapid, objective and more sensitive and reproducible than subjective sensory judgement.
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